1.1 Given the following Queue ADTs:
public class House
public String type; //ex: Semi-D, Terrace
public String location;
public double size;
public double price;
public House(String t, String l, double s, double p)
public String getType() {…}
public String getLocation() {…}
public double getSize() {…}
public double getPrice() {…}
public class Queue
public Queue() {…}
public void enqueu(Object elem) {…}
public Object dequeue() {…}
public boolean isEmpty() {…}
//definition for other methods
Write a Java application to solve the following problems (use built-in method-LinkedList).
a) Create a Queue object named as qHouse.
b) Input ten (10) objects of houses and store them into qHouse.
c) Get all houses from qHouse and store all type of semi-D houses into a queue
called qSemi_D and all terrace houses into a queue called qTerrace. At the end
of process, all houses must remain in an original queue, qHouse.
d) Display the information of house from qTerrace that the price is less than
RM150,000. At the end of process, all houses must remain in an original queue,
e) Count the number of houses that the price is more than RM 300,000.00 and display
all information for that houses from qHouse.
1.2 Given a declaration of queue structure as follows:
public class Customer
private String name;
private int accountNo;
private double saving;
private double totalTransaction;
// declaration for another methods
public Customer(String, int, double, double){…}
public String getName(){…}
public int getAccountNo(){…}
public double getSaving(){…}
public double getTotalTransaction(){…}
public String toString(){…} //print customer information
public boolean process(){…}//return TRUE if qualified(saving
//must exceed RM 1000 after transaction)
//or FALSE if disqualified
public class Node
Object data;
queueNode link;
// create a queueNode that refers to object elem
ListNode(Object elem);
// create a queueNode that refers to object elem and to the
// next queueNode in the list
ListNode(Object elem, queueNode nextElem);
//return a reference to the object in this node
Object getData();
//return the next node
queueNode getLink();
public class ListNode{
private queueNode first;
private queueNode last;
//definition for other methods
public class QUEUE extends ListNode
public QUEUE();
// insert new element into queue
public void enqueue(Object elem);
// to delete queue element
public Object dequeue();
public bool isEmpty (); //to determine empty list
public Object getFirst(); //return first element
public Object getNext(); //return the next element
public Object getLast(); //return the last element
i) Based on the declaration of class Customer, Node, ListNode and QUEUE, answer
the following questions:
a) Write a complete program for all methods and classes (use UDT).
b) Write an application program to do the following tasks:
i. Declare a QUEUE object named as qCustomer to store customer information
ii. Declare a QUEUE object named as qQualify, to store customer information
data that qualified to apply a loan
iii. Assume a queue for qCustomer has been inserted with some values (please
insert some data by the user).
Determine either any customers is qualify or
disqualify to apply for a loan. If there are any customers qualified to apply for
a loan, store the information into qQualify.
iv. Print all customer information from qQualify list.