The goal of this project is to apply the learned machine learning algorithms to solve problems.
In this project, three machine learning algorithms need to be applied: decision tree, SVM classifier,
and Genetic algorithm. You are required to use Python and its libraries (such as Scikit-learn) to
implement these three algorithms. In other words, you don’t need to write these algorithms from
scratch. In the sample code provided, Python and Scikit-learn are used. By using the support
libraries, you are expected to apply all these three machine learning algorithms to solve related
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Decision Tree (30 points)
In this sub-project, your task is to implement one of the common machine learning algorithms:
Decision Tree. You will train and test a decision tree with the dataset the instructor provided.
1. Apply ID3 decision tree learning algorithm (15 points)
For decision tree, in this project, we use ID3 (information entropy based) decision tree
algorithm. It is particularly interesting for its representation of learned knowledge, its approach to
the management of complexity, and its potential for handling noisy data. ID3 represents concepts
as decision trees, a representation that allows us to determine the classification of an object by
testing its values for certain properties/attributes.
2. Dataset (in the attachment folder)
The dataset we use is the Titanic dataset. We have split the date set into training set and test set
stored in two csv files. Titanic_training.csv has 891 samples, Titanic_training.csv has labels for
the samples named “Survived”. Titanic_test.csv has 418 samples and has no label provided in the
file. Each row in Titanic_training.csv or Titanic_test.csv representing a sample with 10 attributes
of the passenger in addition to passenger id. These characteristics are: Pclass, Name, Sex, Age,
SibSp, Parch, Ticket, Fare, Cabin, and Embarked. Each sample is also associated with a label
provided in Titanic_training.csv or Titanic_test.csv. For more information about the dataset, please
click (You can use
this link page as reference, please don’t copy and paste.)
Note that for the missing values of the attributes, you may assign an “unknown” value for them.
Pseudo code for the ID3 algorithm
function induce_tree (example_set, Properties)
if all entries in example_set are in the same class
then return a leaf node labeled with that class
else if Properties is empty
then return leaf node labeled with disjunction of all classes in example_set
else begin
select a property, P, and make it the root of the current tree;
delete P from Properties;
for each value, V, of P,
create a branch of the tree labeled with V;
let partitionv be elements of example_set with values V for property P;
call induce_tree(partitionv, Properties), attach result to branch V
3. Evaluate and draw the binary decision tree (15 points)
Visualize the decision tree you just trained on the training set. If the tree is too big or too
complicated, you can stop at depth 3 of the tree (The root node of the tree has a depth of 0).
Then answer the following questions:
i. Briefly describe the steps involved in applying the ID3 decision tree for this classification
ii. What is the total number of nodes in the tree?
iii. What is the total number of leaf nodes in the tree?
iv. What are the classification accuracies on the training set and the test set, respectively? For
test set accuracy, please submit your results on the related Kaggle challenge page
( by following the instruction file at appendix, and then
attach your results (screenshot) to answer this question.
(Note that, you may not need to write code to draw a diagram of the tree. But you do need to
write code to answer the above questions.)
4. Decision tree sub-project bonus work (10 points)
Implementing the ID3 algorithm yourself. (You cannot use any external Python libraries, except
the following third-party libraries. NumPy: for creating arrays and using methods to manipulate
arrays; matplotlib: for making plots; pandas or other packages for visualizing data or graphs).
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Support Vector Machine (SVM) (30 points)
A simple illustration of SVM is in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, SVM is used to distinguish two class of
data. The SVM in particular defines the criterion to be looking for a decision surface that is
maximally far away from any data point. This distance from the decision surface to the closest
data point determines the margin of the classifier. The support vector is just the points set used
for determine the decision hyperplane.
Fig. 1. A simple illustration of SVM
Detail can be referenced to text book and Chapter 15 of Introduction to Information Retrieval.
1. Apply SVM algorithm with the MNIST dataset (15 points)
For Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier sub-project – use python libraries to train an
SVM to classify the handwritten digits. The dataset we use for this sub-project is the MNIST
dataset, i.e. mnist_subset.csv (in the attachment folder). There are total 10,000 samples in this
subset. You need to split it into training set and test set based on your decision of the ratio value.
Fig. 2. Samples from the MNIST dataset
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Note that, you may directly use the image raw pixel values as your classification features, since
we did not cover any feature extraction content in this AI class.
2. Evaluate and answer the following questions (15 points)
Answering the following questions:
i. Briefly describe the steps involved in applying the SVM for this classification task.
ii. Train your SVM with increasing sizes of training set, say 10%, 20%, …. Test it with the
test set. Make a plot to show how training and test accuracies vary with different ratios of
the training and test split.
iii. Test your SVM model using different types of SVM kernels, then for different SVM
kernels please training them using increasing sizes of training set, say 10%, 20%, …. Test
the trees with the test set. Make plots to show how training and test accuracies vary with
number of training samples for different kernels. (Note that at least two different SVM
kernels should be tested.)
3. SVM bonus work (10 points)
Use pipeline and grid search to automatically optimize the parameters of SVM and run it on your
own dataset or other dataset you like (such as the Fashion MNIST dataset) (10%).
CSC 425/525 AI
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Genetic Algorithm
Genetic algorithm is a kind of algorithm that mimic the natural producing of creatures in the world.
The design of genetic algorithm is relatively casual (highly depend on individual).
1. Implement Genetic algorithm. (40 points)
Implement a genetic programming system as follows.
Write a system which can take a program’s source code as input, make random changes to the
program through genetic operations, evaluate the changes through a fitness function and select the
best one(s) to become a parent for a new generation. The fitness function will first require that the
child programs be compiled and then run on a collection of test data and evaluate the number of
correct and incorrect outputs. Genetic operations can change the order of instructions, mutate
assignment statements within a restricted. Amount (you can change + to *, etc. or change a variable
to another variable of the same type) and you can cross-over same-typed instructions (e.g., two
arithmetic expressions). Write a few partially functioning programs (ones that have the right set of
instructions but perhaps not in the right order or with some instructions being incorrect) such that
when run on the test data, they get a few of the test data correct but not a majority. See if your
GP/EP system can evolve a correct program. Find cases where it works well and cases where it
doesn’t work well or at all.
NOTE: since do real time code execution in JAVA is a little tedious, you have to compile and
then execute a string source program. Python is what we use here. As an example program, you
might write a program that is supposed to perform sequential search but is slightly erroneous
(logically) and see if you can evolve a working version.
1) Initialize the parents.
2) Producing off-springs.
3) Mutate and cross-over between parents.
Though the instructor providesthe example code, called genetic algorithm.txt, but you need
to modify the following parts by yourself (to implement the logic that I mentioned in
previous paragraph)
• Crossover function
• Mutate function
• Fitness function
4) Substitute the parents with the off-springs
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2. Genetic algorithm bonus work. (10 points)
Using JAVA to implement the genetic algorithms.
Procedure genetic algorithm;
set time t:= 0;
initialize the population P(t), offspring size;
while the termination condition is not met do
produce the offspring from P(t)
genetic operations:
(1) Cross-over;
(2) Mutation;
(3) …
evaluate fitness of each member of offspring;
select members from offspring based on fitness;
replace, based on fitness, candidates of P(t), with these offspring;
set time t := t +1
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Hand-In Requirements
(1) The starter code is provided in Python language. You must follow the provided starter code
to finish this project. There are two reasons for this:
a. To prevent plagiarism;
b. Reading and understanding other people’s code should be one the ability of CS students.
(2) If you completed this project, you need to hand in the source code been completed by you or
your group. Your source code compressed to a single ZIP file. The name of the code archive
should be
The code should be well commented, and it should be easy to see the correspondence between
what’s in the code and what’s in the report. You don’t need to include executable or various
supporting files (e.g., utility libraries) whose content is irrelevant to the assignment. If the
instructor finds it necessary to run your code in order to evaluate your solution, the instructor
will get in touch with you.
(3) A project report in PDF format
• The report should briefly describe your implemented solution and fully answer all the
questions posed above. Remember: you will not get credit for any solutions you have
obtained, but not included in the report.
• All group reports need to include paragraph of individual contribution, i.e., which group
member was responsible for which parts of the solution and submitted material. The
instructor reserves the right to contact group members individually to verify this
• Describe the solution and answer the questions of each subproject.
• The name of the report file should be MLapplication_YourTeamname.pdf. Don’t forget
to include the names of all group members and the number of credit units at the top of the
report. (You can find the report template on the provided zip file together with the starter
• Finally, which part you think can be improved. Or the challenges you encountered during
this project.
Note that, the instructor reserves the right to give bonus points for any advanced exploration
or especially challenging or creative solutions that you implement. If you submit any work
for bonus points, be sure it is clearly indicated in your report.
WARNING: You will not get credit for any solutions that you have obtained, but not
included in your report!