PART A – Introduction to Sorting, 9 points
Please use this array of integers for the A.1, A.2, and A.3 problems: 9 1 2 4 3 5 6 2 9 8 5 7 – Use pen & paper to show our work and answers. We can scan/snapshot our work and include the images in our report. – Use code to demonstrate our approaches and solutions. Submit code and include screenshots of output in our report. – Each of these problems (A.1, A.2, and A.3) is worth 3 points.
1. Show the contents of the array each time a selection sort changes it while sorting the array into ascending order. 2. Show the contents of the array each time an insertion sort changes it while sorting the array into ascending order. 3. Show the contents of the array each time a Shell sort changes it while sorting the array into ascending order.
PART B –Sorting, 11 points
1. — 3 points — Suppose we want to find the largest entry in an unsorted array of n entries. Algorithm A searches the entire array sequentially and records the largest entry seen so far. Algorithm B sorts the array into descending order and then reports the first entry as the largest. Compare the time efficiency of the two approaches. Coding is not required but highly recommended. 2.
— 8 points — Consider an n by n array of integer values. Write an algorithm to sort the rows of the array by their first value. The starter code for this problem is provided in the archive. Our output must be identical to the output to the right. P E R F O R M A N C E T R A C K E R ASMT GRADE YOUR GRADE ZOOM 05 01 20 02-PREPARATION 25 02 75 03 75 MIDTERM EXAM 01 25 04 75 TOTAL 300
A: 90-100% B: 80-89% C: 70-79% D: 60-69% F: 0-60% The course grader provides feedback to your assignments on iLearn. The array is initially 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 1 2 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 4 5 4 2 3 1 5 The array after sorting is 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 1 4 5 3 4 5 1 2 4 2 3 1 5 5 2 3 4 1
Updated: 4/15/2021 7:12 AM PART C – Queues, Deques, and Priority Queues, 15 points 1. — 5 points — After each of the following statements executes, what are the contents of the queue? Please explain. QueueInterface myQueue = new LinkedQueue<>(); myQueue.enqueue(“Jane”); myQueue.enqueue(“Jess”); myQueue.enqueue(“Jon”); myQueue.enqueue(myQueue.dequeue()); myQueue.enqueue(myQueue.getFront()); myQueue.enqueue(“Jim”); String name = myQueue.dequeue(); myQueue.enqueue(myQueue.getFront());
2. – 5 pts – After each of the following statements executes, what are the contents of the deque? Please explain. DequeInterface myDeque = new LinkedDeque<>(); myDeque.addToFront(“Jim”); myDeque.addToFront(“Jess”); myDeque.addToBack(“Jen”); myDeque.addToBack(“Josh”); String name = myDeque.removeFront(); myDeque.addToBack(name); myDeque.addToBack(myDeque.getFront()); myDeque.addToFront(myDeque.removeBack()); myDeque.addToFront(myDeque.getBack());
3. – 5 pts – After each of the following statements executes, what are the contents of the priority queue? Please explain. PriorityQueueInterface myPriorityQueue = new LinkedPriorityQueue<>(); myPriorityQueue.add(“Jim”); myPriorityQueue.add(“Josh”); myPriorityQueue.add(“Jon”); myPriorityQueue.add(“Jane”); String name = myPriorityQueue.remove(); myPriorityQueue.add(name); myPriorityQueue.add(myPriorityQueue.peek()); myPriorityQueue.add(“Jose”); myPriorityQueue.remove();
It is OK to assume that the alphabetically earliest string has the highest priority. PART D – Queue and Deque, Circular Doubly Linked Chain, 20 points Use a circular doubly linked chain to implement the ADT deque. In a doubly linked chain, the first and last nodes each contain one null reference, since the first node has no previous node and the last node has no node after it. In a circular doubly linked chain, the first node references the last node, and the last node references the first.
Only one external reference is necessary—a reference to the first node—since we can quickly get to the last node from the first node. The code for this problem is provided in the archive. Our output must be identical to the output to the right. PART E – Priority Queue, 20 points The San Francisco State University’s One Stop Student Services Center asks us to recommend solutions for their service lines. – The starter code for this problem is provided in the archive. –
Our output must be identical to the complete output provided in the ZIP archive: PartE-The_Complete_Sample_Run.pdf – The right table is a portion of the output for preview purposes. It is NOT the complete output. – It is a good idea to analyze the complete output thoroughly before programming a solution.
Empty deque: true [FRONT] Jerry << Tom << Minnie << Mickey << … [BACK] Sylvester >> Goofy >> Donald >> … Empty deque: true Sayōnara -> removeFront found deque empty -> removeBack found deque empty ————————————————————- SFSU ONE STOP STUDENT SERVICES CENTER ————————————————————- Priority: default (provided by supervisors) Mickey Mouse 1002 3.70 1 17 Minnie Mouse 1001 3.90 10 15 Milo Dog 1004 3.70 7 17 Goofy Dog 1007 2.30 17 1 Daisy Duck 1003 1.70 1 17 Pluto Dog 1005 3.70 7 17 Donald Duck 1006 3.10 5 2