We looked at the ability to do function interposition, where we can create an alternate version of a library
function and force a program to load and use that version instead. This allows us to alter the behavior of
library functions and, thus, the programs that use them.
This assignment requires you to write two small functions that interpose two standard library functions.
The assignment comprises two parts. Each function is relevant to one part of the assignment.
This is an individual assignment. You are expected to do this on your own and submit your own version
of the code.
Your submission will be tested on Rutgers iLab Linux systems. You can most likely develop this on any
other Linux system but you are responsible for making sure that it will work on the iLab systems. You
cannot do this assignment on macOS; the BSD functions it uses for dynamic linking are somewhat
Download the file ( . It contains makefiles,
which compile the code and also run small tests, as well as a driver program for part 2 of this
assignment. The instructions below will refer to these files.
When you unzip the file, you will see a directory called hw-6 with three subdirectories:
contains the example of replacing the random number generator that we covered in class. The file
random.c is the main program that prints a set of 10 random numbers and the file myrand.c is our
2/28/22, 2:22 PM Project 2 2/10
custom implementation of the rand library function. The Makefile has targets to compile both of these
and run a small test. You can run
to compile the shared library or run
make test
to compile (if needed) and run a test. You should run this to ensure that your environment is set up
correctly and you have no problems preloading libraries.
contains files you need for part 1 of this assignment.
contains files you need for part 2 of the assignment.
Part 1: Hiding files
In discussing malware, we covered the concept of a rootkit. This was malware that is designed to stay
hidden on the victim’s computer. If victims don’t see the software then they don’t know it’s there.
There are various ways of hiding content. It could be placed in obscure parts of the file system that might
not be searched regularly. A file might be set to be hidden, but this attribute can be changed easily. On
Linux systems, files whose names begin with a dot are not listed by default unless you use a -a option to
the ls command. Clearly, this isn’t a good way of hiding files. The ideal way of hiding files is to modify the
kernel to never report of their existence but this requires getting privileges to modify the kernel.
A way of hiding files in user space is to modify library functions that read directory contents. This way,
programs that show directory contents will not see the file but someone who knows about it can open it.
In this assignment, you will use function interposition to hide the presence of files from commands such
as ls and find.
The standard library function for reading directories on Linux is readdir
( , which is built on top of the getdents
( system call. Programs such as ls, find, sh,
zsh, and others use readdir to read contents of directories.
Your program will interpose readdir so that it will hide a secret file whose name is set by an environment
variable. You do this by setting the LD_PRELOAD environment variable:
This tells the system to load the functions in the specified shared library before loading any others and to
give these functions precedence.
For example, you can run the command ls to list all files in a directory:
$ ls -l
total 196
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 3855 Feb 20 18:02 present.pptx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 237 Feb 20 18:02 salaries.xlsx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 18198 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 3584 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile.docx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 24879 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 805 Feb 20 18:01 status-report-1.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 13260 Feb 20 18:01 status-report-2.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 29878 Feb 20 18:02 status-report-3.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 5047 Feb 20 18:02 status-report-4.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 19550 Feb 20 18:03 testfile.c
But if you set the environment variable HIDDEN to a specific file name, that file will not be visible:
$ export HIDDEN
$ HIDDEN=secretfile.txt
$ ls -l
total 163
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 3855 Feb 20 18:02 present.pptx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 237 Feb 20 18:02 salaries.xlsx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 18198 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 3584 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile.docx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 805 Feb 20 18:01 status-report-1.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 13260 Feb 20 18:01 status-report-2.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 29878 Feb 20 18:02 status-report-3.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 5047 Feb 20 18:02 status-report-4.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 19550 Feb 20 18:03 testfile.c
Note that secretfile.txt is no longer displayed. Other commands that use readdir, such as find, will not
show the file either:
$ find .
If you set HIDDEN to another name then files with that name will be hidden:
$ HIDDEN=status-report-1.txt
$ ls -l
total 188
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 3855 Feb 20 18:02 present.pptx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 237 Feb 20 18:02 salaries.xlsx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 18198 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 3584 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile.docx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 24879 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 13260 Feb 20 18:01 status-report-2.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 29878 Feb 20 18:02 status-report-3.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 5047 Feb 20 18:02 status-report-4.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 19550 Feb 20 18:03 testfile.c
And, of course, if you delete HIDDEN then all files should be visible:
$ unset HIDDEN
$ ls -l
total 196
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 3855 Feb 20 18:02 present.pptx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 237 Feb 20 18:02 salaries.xlsx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 18198 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 3584 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile.docx
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 24879 Feb 20 18:02 secretfile.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 805 Feb 20 18:01 status-report-1.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 13260 Feb 20 18:01 status-report-2.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 29878 Feb 20 18:02 status-report-3.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 5047 Feb 20 18:02 status-report-4.txt
-rw——- 1 pxk allusers 19550 Feb 20 18:03 testfile.c
What you need to do
Your assignment is to create an alternate version of the readdir Linux library function that will:
Call the real version of readdir
Check if the returned file name matches the name in the environment variable HIDDEN
If it does, call readdir again to skip over this file entry.
Return the file data to the calling program.
You will use Linux’s LD_PRELOAD mechanism. This is an environment variable that forces the listed shared
libraries to be loaded for programs you run. The dynamic linker will search these libraries first when it
resolves symbols in the program. This allows you to take control and replace library functions that
programs use with your own versions.
For this part, you need to write just one function in a file that you will name hidefile.c .
The function will be your implementation of readdir. You’ll give it the same name and it should take the
same parameters as the real readdir ( . It
returns the same data type as the original version.
Because you need to call the real version of readdir from your readdir, you will need to have your
function dynamically link the original readdir function and pass the request to that function. Read the
references below for instructions on how to use the ldsymfunction to load the real version of the function
from your code.
You will then compile this file into a shared library named . You can then preload this shared
library by setting the environment variable:
Then you can run programs such as ls or find as in the above examples and test whether it works.
Compiling and Testing
The assignment file ( contains a directory
hidefile . Inside, you will find a placeholder for your hidefile.c code and a Makefile. If you run
the make program will compile the file hidefile.c into a shared library . If you run
make test
the make program will compile the files (if necessary), create two sample files named secret-1.txt and
secret-2.txt and test the program by setting the environment variable HIDDEN to secret-1.txt , then
secret-2.txt , and then deleting it – running the lscommand each time with the shared library preloaded.
This is not an exhaustive test of your program; it’s just a basic sanity test to allow you to see if it’s
working at all.
A note about setting LD_PRELOAD and HIDDEN
When you set environment variables in your shell, you need to export them so they will be passed to any
processes created by the shell (i.e., any commands the shell runs).
For example, in bash, zsh, and sh, if you run
LD_PRELOAD will not preload libraries for the command.
If you run:
export LD_PRELOAD=./
Then LD_PRELOAD will be visible to all sub-processes. However, it will be also be loaded by your shell
and you might experience unexpected behavior if your shell or other programs (like your editor) are
using libraries that you are modifying. You will need to exit the shell or unset the variable:
Alternatively, you can set the environment variable on the command line. The shell will pass it to the
command but it will not be used in the context of your shell. This is convenient for testing:
LD_PRELOAD=./ command
The same applies to HIDDEN. You can export it and set it to whatever you’d like:
export HIDDEN
Or set it for the one command:
HIDDEN=myfile1 command
In which case the shell will not set it in its environment but only for the command it runs.
The program should be quite short. My implementation was just nine lines of C statements.
Some of you will no doubt finish this assignment in well under an hour … but don’t count on it. Others of
you, however, may not have much experience with C programming or the Linux enviornment and have
more of a struggle. Allow yourself sufficient time.
Develop in steps. Don’t hesitate to put printf statements for debugging … but remove them before
Extra credit
For extra credit, you can add support to hide multiple file names.
Environment variables don’t support arrays. One way to implement this would be to have a sequence of
HIDDENn variables, such as HIDDEN0, HIDDEN1, etc. The confusion would be to know the limits and
decide whether to support names such as HIDDEN00, HIDDEN000, etc.
Instead, you will implement this in a similar manner to how the shell implements specifying sequences of
pathnames in search paths and library paths – by separating names with a colon. For this assignment,
you can assume that file names will not contain a colon. In a real implementation, you would support an
escape character for a colon.
To hide a single file, set HIDDEN as before:
To hide multiple files, set hidden to a colon-separated list:
Part 2
You are given a Linux program called unexpire that runs on the Rutgers iLab Linux systems. It’s in the
same ( zip package as the first part of the
Imagine that this is a program that you received for evaluation and it has an expiration time coded into it.
This program exits (expires) if the date is after January 1, 2022. It will also refuse to run on any date
earlier than January 1, 2021. However, you want to continue using this program and you want to defeat
its check for the time.
Your assignment is to replace the program’s call to a system library to get the time of day with one of
your own – an alternate version that will return a suitable date for the program’s time check. This is a
use of function interposition.
After the time-based check for validity is done, you want the program to use the actual time so that it will
return the correct time of day.
What you need to do
This program uses the standard C library (glibc) time ( function to get the system time. The time function returns the number of
seconds since the Linux Epoch (the start of January 1, 1970 UTC).
Your assignment is to create an alternate version of the time() C library function that will return a value
within a time window that will pass the program’s validation check.
You will use Linux’s LD_PRELOAD mechanism to take control and replace the standard time library function
with your own version.
You need to write just one function in a file newtime.c . There’s a stub for this under the unexpire
The function will be your implementation of time. You’ll give it the same name and it should take the
same parameters and return the same data type as the original version. The main program validates the
time only the first time it calls time. After that, you want calls to time to return the correct system time.
Unfortunately, your time function will continue to be called by the program so you will need to have your
function dynamically link the original time function and pass successive calls to that.
You will then compile this file into a shared library called . You can run
to compile the library. You can then preload this shared library by setting the environment variable:
and then run the program normally:
If your implementation is correct, you will see a message stating:
PASSED! You reset the time successfully!
If not, you will see a message stating what part of your implementation failed. You can also test the
program by running
make test
If you set LD_PRELOAD globally, don’t forget to
You may find that programs such as the vi editor call time() and may behave differently. See the above
section, A note about setting LD_PRELOAD and HIDDEN, that discusses exporting an environment
variable versus setting it on the same line as the command.
As with the first part, this program should be quite short: perhaps 15 lines of code if you use strptime to
set the time from a user-friendly time string (which I recommend; it makes it easier to understand the 9/10
program and makes it more maintainable). With a hardcoded time value, your program might be down to
six or lines of functional code.
Test an initial version of your program that does not link in the original time function just to make sure
you have that first part working before you move on.
As with part 1, some of you will no doubt finish this assignment incredibly quickly while others of you
might struggle a bit figuring out how to convert a date. Allow yourself sufficient time to avoid last-minute
There are many tutorials on function interposition on the web. You’ll want to follow the instructions for
dynamically linking original functions as well as the proper flags to use to compile the shared libraries
( for part 1 and for part 2).
Some reference you may find useful are:
Recitation notes (
man page for the readdir ( function.
man page for the getenv ( function.
man page ( for the time function
man page for ldsym ( .
NetSPI Blog, Function Hooking Part I (
CatonMat, A Simple LD_PRELOAD Tutorial (
CatonMat, A Simple LD_PRELOAD Tutorial, Part 2 (
What to submit
When you have completed your assignment, you will need to submit a zip file containing
hidefile/hidefile.c and unexpire/newtime.c . You can create this by running
make zip
from the top-level directory ( hw-6 ).
Make sure your name, netID, and RUID are in the comments of both files.
Validate that the file is correct before submitting.