Exercise 1. [15 Marks]
Consider the following two functions: factRec and factIter,
which compute the factorial of a number.
Discuss the instruction locality of each the function. Is there good locality or bad locality?
Is there spatial locality or temporal locality?
Explain why. For ease of discussion, you may
consider a particular execution of the function, say, n = 5.
int factRec(int n) {
if (n < 1) {
return 1;
int n1 = factRec(n-1);
return n1 * n;
int factIter(int n) {
int fact = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
fact = fact * i;
return fact;
Exercise 2. [15 Marks]
Consider a 16-bit computer with a simplified memory hierarchy.
This hierarchy contains a single cache and an unbounded backing memory. The cache is 2-
way set associative, 4-byte cache lines, and a capacity of 32 bytes. Consider also the following
sequence of memory word addresses.
8, 3, 9, 7, 15, 20, 22, 2, 6, 0
(a) Determine, in binary notation, the set index and block offset for each address in the above
sequence. Include the byte offset as part of the block offset. Assume the cache is initially
During the sequence of address accesses above, determine if each reference results in a cache
hit or a cache miss. If the reference results in a cache miss, which type of cache miss occurs
(cold, conflict, or capacity). Use the below table to help answer this question.
Address Index Block Offset Hit or Miss Type of Miss
(b) Create a table which resembles this cache’s configuration. Fill that table such that
it corresponds to the cache’s contents after all addresses in the above sequence have been
referenced. (See “3350-L4-CacheExample.pdf”).
Exercise 3. [30 Marks]
In this exercise, we will examine cache capacity and its effect on
performance. For simplicity, let assume consider only data cache. That is, instructions are
not stored in the caches. Recall cache access time is related to its capacity. Consider that
accessing main memory requires 100ns and that, in a particular program, 42% of instructions
incur a data access.
For two different processors executing this program, we have two different L1 caches, attached
to processors P1 and P2, respectively.
L1 size L1 Miss Rate L1 Hit Time
P1 16 KB 3.6% 1.26 ns
P2 32 KB 3.1% 2.17ns
(a) What is the AMAT for P1 and P2 assuming no other levels of cache?
(b) Assuming an ideal CPI of 2.0 for both processors, and where the L1 hit time determines
the cycle time, what is the CPI𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙 for P1 and P2? Which processor is faster at executing
this particular program?
Now consider the addition of an L2 cache to P1 with the following characteristics. The data
from the previous table still holds.
L2 size L2 Miss Rate L2 Hit Time
8 MB 48% 26.24 ns
(c) What is the AMAT for P1 with the addition of an L2 cache? Is the AMAT better or
worse with the L2 cache?
(d) Assuming an ideal CPI of 2.0 and where the L1 hit time determines the cycle time, what
is the CPI𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙 for P1 with the addition of an L2 cache?
(e) Which processor is faster, now that P1 has an L2 cache? If P1 is faster, what miss rate
would P1 need in its L1 cache to match P2’s performance? If P2 is faster, what miss rate
would P2 need in its L1 cache to match P1’s performance?
Exercise 4. [20 Marks]
Consider a 64-bit computer with a simplified memory hierarchy.
This hierarchy contains a single cache and an unbounded backing memory. The cache has
the following characteristics:
• Direct-Mapped, Write-through, Write allocate.
• Cache blocks are 4 words each.
• The cache has 256 sets.
(a) Consider the following code fragment in the C programming language to be run on the
described computer. Assume that: program instructions are not stored in cache, arrays are
cache-aligned (the beginning of the array aligns with the beginning of a cache line), ints are
32 bits, and all other variables are stored only in registers.
int N = 32768;
int A[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 2) {
A[i] = A[i+1];
Determine the following:
(i) The number of cache misses.
(ii) The cache miss rate.
(iii) The type of cache misses which occur.
(b) Consider the following code fragment in the C programming language to be run on the
described computer. Assume that: program instructions are not stored in cache, arrays are
cache-aligned (the beginning of the array aligns with the beginning of a cache line), ints are
32 bits, and all other variables are stored only in registers.
int N = 32768;
int A[N];
int B[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
B[i] = A[i];
Determine the following:
(i) The number of cache misses.
(ii) The cache miss rate.
(iii) The type of cache misses which occur.
Exercise 5. [20 Marks]
The Intel Core i7-8750H processor (more details here) has the
following characteristics, taken from /proc/cpuinfo:
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 158
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
stepping : 10
microcode : 0xea
cpu MHz : 2200.000
L1 cache size : 32 KB
L2 cache size : 256 KB
L3 cache size : 9216 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 12
core id : 0
cpu cores : 6
clflush size : 64
cache line size : 64
Consider the following two functions Normalize1 and Normalize2 which take in a positive
𝑁x𝑁 matrix of doubles and normalizes its entries to the range (︀0, 1⌋︀. A program implementing these functions is available on OWL as Normalize.c.
After those two code segmenets, data is presented which was collected using the perf utility.
This data shows runtime performance metrics of these functions executing on the Intel Core
i7-8750H processor for various data sizes. In this data:
• “Normalize.bin 1 …” executes the function Normalize1;
• “Normalize.bin 2 …” executes the function Normalize2;
• the second command-line argument is the size 𝑁 of the matrix;
• LLC-loads means “Last Level Cache loads”, the number of accesses to L3;
• LLC-load-misses means “Last Level Cache misses”, the number of L3 cache misses;
• cpu-cycles is the number of CPU cycles elapsed during programing execution.
Using the knowledge learned so far in this course, the specification of the i7-8750H processor,
the code fragments, and the perf data, answer the following questions.
(a) Why is the runtime execution of Normalize1 faster than Normalize2? The values of
which performance metrics from the perf data support your claims?
(b) Consider the miss rates of Normalize1. The miss rate drastically increases for values of
𝑁 larger than 512. Explain why the increase occurs at this particular value of 𝑁. Give a reason why this increase is not a sharp “jump” but rather has an intermediate effect at 𝑁 = 1024.
(c) Consider the miss rates of Normalize2. The miss rate starts quite low but quickly increases for increasing values of 𝑁. Disucss why the miss rates for 𝑁 = 256 and 𝑁 = 512 are
misleading for describing the actual data locality of Normalize2. Which additional performance metrics would you record to get a more precise understanding of the data locality of
Normalize2? Assume perf is capable of reporting any possible hardware event.
void Normalize1(double* A, int N) {
double t, min = (double) RAND_MAX, max = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
t = A[i*N + j];
if (t < min) min = t;
if (t > max) max = t;
double frac = 1 / (max – min);
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
A[i*N + j] = (A[i*N + j] – min) * frac;
void Normalize2(double* A, int N) {
double t, min = (double) RAND_MAX, max = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
t = A[i*N + j];
if (t < min) min = t;
if (t > max) max = t;
double frac = max – min;
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
A[i*N + j] = (A[i*N + j] – min) / frac;
Runtime performance of Normalize1.
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 1 256’:
4,802,912 cpu-cycles
4,538 LLC-loads
425 LLC-load-misses # 9.37% of all LL-cache accesses
0.002047926 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 1 512’:
16,577,772 cpu-cycles
5,409 LLC-loads
668 LLC-load-misses # 12.35% of all LL-cache accesses
0.004451773 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 1 1024’:
64,124,090 cpu-cycles
14,016 LLC-loads
6,100 LLC-load-misses # 43.52% of all LL-cache accesses
0.016784636 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 1 1536’:
143,240,802 cpu-cycles
24,864 LLC-loads
14,732 LLC-load-misses # 59.25% of all LL-cache accesses
0.038767478 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 1 2048’:
254,735,648 cpu-cycles
40,122 LLC-loads
24,405 LLC-load-misses # 60.83% of all LL-cache accesses
0.065211502 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 1 2560’:
399,380,980 cpu-cycles
73,006 LLC-loads
50,260 LLC-load-misses # 68.84% of all LL-cache accesses
0.102457893 seconds time elapsed
Runtime performance of Normalize2.
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 2 256’:
5,870,023 cpu-cycles
117,911 LLC-loads
287 LLC-load-misses # 0.24% of all LL-cache accesses
0.001692968 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 2 512’:
22,547,539 cpu-cycles
532,221 LLC-loads
7,504 LLC-load-misses # 1.41% of all LL-cache accesses
0.007333935 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 2 1024’:
121,908,975 cpu-cycles
2,047,279 LLC-loads
372,388 LLC-load-misses # 18.19% of all LL-cache accesses
0.031579656 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 2 1536’:
292,392,531 cpu-cycles
4,528,106 LLC-loads
1,384,196 LLC-load-misses # 30.57% of all LL-cache accesses
0.074422344 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 2 2048’:
694,112,174 cpu-cycles
8,338,987 LLC-loads
6,798,261 LLC-load-misses # 81.52% of all LL-cache accesses
0.173902216 seconds time elapsed
Performance counter stats for ’./Normalize.bin 2 2560’:
1,025,207,852 cpu-cycles
12,349,636 LLC-loads
10,425,562 LLC-load-misses # 84.42% of all LL-cache accesses
0.258983051 seconds time elapsed