
CS142 Homework 4…solved

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The following data set
Movies2022F-4.csv (
contains imdb scores of 12,800+ movies along with several attributes including budget, gross genre,
content rating etc.
What are the most promising alternative hypotheses about imdb scores to test? Name your three top
candidates along with the evidence which backs them up: either in the form of R instruction(s) or plot.
Submit code + ppt.
For example “High Budget R movies have lower imdb scores.” (than what?)
“Dramas rated R have higher imdb scores” (than what?)
This is synthetic data set based on real data set from Kaggle. I have embedded my own patterns in the
data to make it a data puzzle. May be you can find out what I did?
NOTICE: You can make late submissions for this assignment – penalty is 10% for up to one day late,
than 20% for each following day. These may be waived only with medical note or dean of students