
CS M152A Lab1 Floating Point Conversion Solved

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Floating Point Conversion

In this lab, you will learn how to use the Xilinx ISE program to design and test a floating point


For this lab, you will use the Xilinx ISE software to design and test a combinational circuit
that converts a 13-bit linear encoding of an analog signal into a compounded 9-bit Floating
Point (FP) Representation.

This lab will be based on simulation only; but you still need to complete the
implementation steps (except editing ucf file and programming the FPGA) to generate the
design summary report. At the end of the lab, you are expected to present a design project
with source code and test bench, and the design will be tested against a test bench that runs
through all possible input patterns.


The module for the floating-point conversion (called FPCVT). The inputs and outputs of the
FPCVT logic block should in the following table:
FPCVT Pin Descriptions
D [12 : 0] Input data in Two’s Complement Representation.
D0 is the Least Significant Bit (LSB).
D12 is the Most Significant Bit (MSB).
S Sign bit of the Floating Point Representation.
E [2 : 0] 3-Bit Exponent of the Floating Point
F [4 : 0] 5-Bit Significand of the Floating Point


Analog signals are often converted to digital form for storage or transmission. A linear
encoding using 8 bits can represent the unsigned number within the range 0 – 255 or a
signed number within the range -128 to +127 using Two’s Complement representation.

Seven or eight bits of precision is adequate for intelligible speech or music almost good
enough to listen. However, seven or eight bits do not provide sufficient dynamic range to
capture both loud and soft sounds. Therefore, nonlinear encodings are used in most
commercial systems.

Output Format:

For this laboratory assignment, we will use a simplified Floating Point Representation
consisting of a 1-Bit Sign Representation, a 3-Bit Exponent, and a 5-Bit Significand (the
significand is sometimes called the mantissa).
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The value represented by an 8-Bit Byte in this format is:

V = (-1)S x F x 2E
The S-Bit signifies the Sign of the number. The 5-Bit Significand, F, ranges from [00000] =
0 to [11111] = 31, and the 3-Bit Exponent, E, ranges from [000] = 0 to [111] = 7. The
following table shows the values corresponding to several Floating Point Representations.
Floating Point Representation Examples
Floating Point Representation Formula Value
[0 000 00001] 1 x 20 1
[1 010 11010] -26 x 22
[0 010 11110] 30 x 22 120

The last two rows of the above table demonstrate that some numbers have multiple
Floating Point Representations. The preferred representations are the ones in which the
Most Significant Bit of the Significand is 1. This representation is said to be the normalized
representation. It is quite straightforward to produce the linear encoding corresponding to
a floating-point representation; this operation is called expansion.

The goal of this laboratory assignment is to build a combinational circuit for the inverse
operation, called compression. A device that performs both expansion and compression is
called a compounder. The compression half of a compounder is more challenging because
there are more input bits than output bits. As a result, many different linear encodings must
be mapped to the same Floating Point Representation. Values that do not have Floating
Point Representations should be mapped to the closest Floating Point encoding; this
process is called rounding.

Input Format:

Leading Zeroes Exponent
1 7
2 6
3 5
4 4
5 3
6 2
7 1
≥ 8 0
The Significand consists of the 5 bits immediately following the last leading 0. When the
exponent is 0, the Significand is the Least Significant 5 bits. For example, 422 =
[0_0001_1010_0110] has 4 leading zeroes, including the sign bit, thus its Exponent is 4
(according to the table above), and its Significand is [11010]. In case of a negative number
which is in the 2’s complement format, you should first negate it, and then count the
number of leading zeroes. For example, -422 = [1_1110_0101_1010], after negation it will
become 422 = [0_0001_1010_0110], thus it also has 4 leading zeroes.
This FP representation expands to 26 x 2
4 = 416. The number 422 cannot be represented
exactly, so it is represented with an error of about 1.5%.


The procedure presented above produces the correct Floating Point Representation for
about half the possible linear encodings. However, it does not guarantee the most accurate
representation. The circuit that you will design is required to round the linear encoding to
the nearest Floating Point encoding. You should use the simple rounding rule that depends
only on the 6th bit following the last leading 0. Recall that the first 5 bits following the last
leading 0 make up the Significand. The next (6th) bit then tells us whether to round up or
down. If that bit is 0, the nearest number is obtained by truncation – simply using the first 5
bits. If, on the other hand, the 6th bit is 1, the representation is obtained by rounding the
first 5 bits up – by adding 1.

The following table gives examples of rounding:

Rounding Examples
Linear Encoding Floating Point
Encoding Rounding
0000001101100 [0 010 11011] Down
0000001101101 [0 010 11011] Down
0000001101110 [0 010 11100] Up
0000001101111 [0 010 11100] Up

The rounding stage of Floating Point conversion can lead to a complication. When the
maximum Significand [11111] is rounded up, adding one causes an overflow. The result,
100000, does not fit in the 5-Bit Significand field. This problem is solved by dividing the
Significand by 2, or shifting right, to obtain 10000, and increasing the Exponent by 1 to

For example:

0000011111101→ 0 3 100000 OOPS!

0 4 10000
In this example, 253 is converted to 16 x 2
4 = 256, which is indeed the closest Floating Point
number. Note that the overflow possibility can be detected either before or after the
addition of the rounding bit.

When rounding very large linear encodings, such as 4095 = [0_1111_1111_1111], the
exponent may be incremented beyond 7, to 8, which cannot be stored in the exponent field.
Our solution to this problem is to use the largest possible Floating Point

Overall Design

Note: the diagram below is just a recommendation, your actual design may follow a
different architecture of your choice.
An overall block diagram for the floating-point conversion circuit is shown below:
The first block converts the 13-bit two’s-complement input to sign-magnitude
representation. Nonnegative numbers (sign bit 0) are unchanged, while negative numbers
are replaced by their absolute value.

As you should know, the negative of a number in
twos’-complement representation can be found by complementing (inverting) all bits, then
incrementing (adding 1) to this intermediate result. One problem case is the most negative
number, -4096 = (1_0000_0000_0000); when complement-increment is applied, the result
is 1_0000_0000_0000, which looks like -4096 instead of +4096. Make sure you handle it

The second block performs the basic linear to Floating Point conversion. The Exponent
output encodes the number of leading zeroes of the linear encoding, as shown in table A
above. To count the leading zeroes, we recommend you implement a priority encoder. The
Significand output is obtained by right shifting the most significant input bits from bit
positions 0 to 7. What this means is that each bit of the Significand comes from one of 8
possible magnitude bits.

The third block performs rounding of the Floating Point Representation. If the 6th bit
following the last leading 0 of the intermediate Floating Point Representation is 1, the
Significand is incremented by 1. If the Significand overflows, then we shift the Significand
right one bit and increase the Exponent by 1.


When you finish, the following should be submitted for this lab:
1. Verilog source code for the “FPCVT” module. The file should be named exactly as
“FPCVT.v” and the module and port names should exactly match names defined in
the Overview section (see the table on the first page).

It is very important as your
code is automatically evaluated. Also note that, this code should be completely
synthesizable and define all submodules within the same verilog file (i.e., FPCVT.v
contains the definition of your top module and all submodules used).

2. Verilog testbench you used to evaluate your design. Note that your testbench is
graded based on the cases it covers and also ideas used to make sure all important
corner cases are being covered. Please name the file “testbench_UID.v” where UID is
your UCLA ID.

3. Lab Report should be consisting of explanations about your module and testbench
design as well as ISE Design Overview Summary Report. Explain ideas you used to
implement different blocks and how you test your design (e.g., which corner cases
you consider?).

Make sure to include schematics of your design that are drawn by
hand, not using the ISE tool . Please name your report “UID.pdf” where UID is your
UCLA ID. Simulation outputs should be included in the report as well.
4. Video Demo a 10 minute video showing your screen while you are explaining your
design logic as well as simulation outputs

Note: please upload items 1-4 above on CCLE submission form as separate files (do NOT
compress everything in a single file). CCLE limits the total submission size to 100MB.