The relevant skeleton code and directory structures for this assignment can be found in this
1. Kanade Lucas Tomasi (KLT) Feature Tracker
As a part of this assignment you will implement KLT tracker. Please follow the following
(a) Read the frames from input/ folder. Display major features points overlay-ed on the
first frame, for feature point detection you can use Harris corner detector or SURF;
both are inbuilt in MATLAB. [10 points]
(b) Select those feature points with good structure tensors (recall the class). There can
be multiple points qualifying the criterion; so, define a parameter to choose how
many feature points are to be tracked. [5 points]
(c) Take a template patch centered around every feature point. The patch size is a
tunable parameter, but, ideally, you should start with 40 pixels.
(d) Use an affine motion model for creating the Jacobian matrix, resulting in a total of
6 parameters to be estimated.
(e) Now, for every frame:-
i. Begin with an initial estimate of the affine matrix.
ii. Warp and crop part of frame based upon the initialized/updated parameters of
affine matrix. [5 points]
iii. Calculate the L2 error between the warped patch and the template patch. [5
iv. Compute the image gradients of the warped patch. [5 points] (tip: try smoothing
the gradients)
v. Compute the Jacobian and Hessian matrices and update the parameters of
motion model. [10 points]
10 points for quality of tracking
Note: The solution is iterative, so use a threshold and max iteration parameters for
convergence check. Actual trajectory of the motion will be obtained by storing the relevant
parameters of motion model from each frame. Also, after every 10 to 20 frames you should
extract a new template, since the patch may have changed a lot. Finally your script should
dump the overlay-ed trajectory on image in output folder frame by frame. Also, you can
use inbuilt functions for image warping and feature detector. [50 points]
2. In this assignment, you will implement a software routine to stabilize a video. Videos
acquired by handheld cameras or smartphones often appear jerky or shaky due to inevitable
motion of the hand during acquisition. This artifact is exacerbated in videos acquired from
handheld devices while inside a moving vehicle. The process of removing the unwanted
motion between consecutive frames (while maintaining or preserving the intended motion)
is called as video stabilization.
(a) Use mmread() to read the video files provided in the input folder. Take a look at
myMainScript.m. Also, the folder contains a MATLAB function called displayvideo.m
which takes a video in the form of a 3D array and displays it at a specified rate.
(b) You now have to estimate the motion between frames n and n − 1 (1 < n ≤ T) of
the shaky video. For this, you should use the SURF algorithm (builtin MATLAB
to (1) detect salient feature points in both the frames and (2) determine matches in
between the points of those frames. Now, given this set of matching pairs of points
produced by the SURF package, your first task is to estimate the motion in between
them - which will (hopefully) be the same as the motion between the frames. You
should perform this using RANSAC. Repeat this for all pairs of consecutive frames
and generate a motion sequence. A motion sequence is a sequence containing the
motion parameters at every frame. For instance, assuming a translation+rotation
model, the motion sequence acquires the form {(t
x , t(n)
y , θ(n)
x )}
n=2. [20 points]
(c) For a shaky video, this motion sequence will be very noisy. You should smooth the
sequence using a simple averaging filter to generate a smoothed motion sequence.
The width of the averaging filter is a user-choice. Make sure your averaging filter is
wide enough or the amount of smoothing may be inadequate. Plot two examples of
noisy and smoothed sequences in your report for every motion model you experiment
with. [10 points]
(d) Finally, generate a stable video by using the motion estimates between the frames.
Since you have the jittery as well as the smoothed parameters, figure out a way
to negate the parameters contributing to the shake/jitter. View the shaky and
stabilized videos together by (1) putting them in a single array of size 2H × W × T
where (H, W) is the size of each frame and T is the number of frames, and (2) using
the routine ‘displayvideo’ mentioned earlier. Also your MATLAB program should
write the combined video to a file and give it a sensible, self-explanatory name that
you print on screen. [20 points]
Note: While submitting please delete the mmread folder otherwise you wont be able
to upload on moodle.