
CS 416 Project 1: Understanding the Stack and Basics (Warm-up Project) solved

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This is a simple warm-up project that will help you to recall basic systems programming and get into the
second project. In Part 1 of this project, you will recall details of the stack, processes, and how the OS
executes code. In Part 2 you will use Linux pThread library to write a simple multi-threaded program. In
Part 3, you will write a benchmark to measure the system call cost.
• You can discuss the logic but do not share the code!
Part 1: Signal Handler and Stacks (50 points)
In this part, you will learn about signal handler and stack manipulation.
1.1 Description
In the skeleton code (project1.c), in the main() function, look at the line that dereferences memory address 0.
This statement will cause a segmentation fault.
r2 = *( (int *) 0 );
The first goal is to handle the segmentation fault by installing a signal handler in the main function (marked
as Part 1 – Step 1 in project1.c). If you register the following function correctly with the segmentation
handler, Linux will first run your signal handler to give you a chance to address the segment fault.
**void segment_fault_handler(int signum)**
Goal: You must, in the signal handler, make sure the segmentation fault does not occur a second time.
To achieve this goal, you must change the stack frame of the main function; else, Linux will attempt to
rerun the offending instruction after returning from the signal handler. Specifically, you must change the
program counter of the caller such that the statement printf(“I live again!”) after the offending instruction
gets executed. No other shortcuts are acceptable for this assignment.
More details: When your code hits the segment fault, it asks the OS what to do. The OS notices you have
a signal handler declared, so it hands the reins over to your signal handler. In the signal handler, you get
a signal number – signum as input to tell you which type of signal occurred. That integer is sitting in the
stored stack of your code that had been running. If you grab the address of that int, you can then build a
pointer to your code’s stored stack frame, pointing at the place where the flags and signals are stored. You
can now manipulate ANY value in your code’s stored stack frame. Here are the suggested steps:
Step 2. Dereferencing memory address 0 will cause a segmentation fault. Thus, you also need to figure out
the length of this bad instruction.
Step 3. According to x86 calling convention, the program counter is pushed on stack frame before the
subroutine is invoked. So, you need to figure out where is the program counter located on stack frame. (Hint,
use GDB to show stack)
Step 4. Construct a pointer inside segmentation fault hander based on signum, pointing it to the program
counter by incrementing the offset you figured out in Step 3. Then add the program counter by the length of
the offending instruction you figured out in Step 1.
1.2 Desired Output
I am slain!
I live again!
1.3 Tips and Resources
• Man Page of Signal:
• Basic GDB tutorial:
Part 2: Recall of pThread Programming (25 points)
2.1 Description
In the skeleton code, there is a global variable x, which is initialized to be 0. You are required to use pThread
to create 2 threads to increment global variable by 1 for totally 10 times (5 times for each thread);
Use pthread_create to create two threads and each of them will execute inc_shared_counter. Inside
inc_shared_counter, increment x 5 times.
Because x is a shared variable, you need a mutex to guarantee the exclusive access and order. After each
increment, you are also required to print the current value of x to the console.
After two threads finish incrementing counters, you must print the final value of x to the console. Remember,
the main thread may terminate earlier than those 2 threads; hence, make sure to use pthread_join to let
main thread wait for the threads to finish before exiting.
2.2 Desired Output
The desired output of the program should be the following:
x is incremented to 1
x is incremented to 2
x is incremented to 3
x is incremented to 4
x is incremented to 5
x is incremented to 6
x is incremented to 7
x is incremented to 8
x is incremented to 9
x is incremented to 10
The final value of x is 10
Hint: Because we are using mutex, the program output is deterministic. Therefore, your program MUST
show the exact same output as shown above.
2.3 Tips and Resources
• Man Page for pthread_create:
• Man Page for pthread_join:
Part 3: Measure System Call Cost (10 points)
The last part of this project is to measure the system call cost. Write code in the syscall_benchmark() by
invoking some Linux system call few thousand times and averaging the cost.
• Man Page for measuring time:
Q1: Project 1 Submission
Should we submit the source code or the binary?
• You should be submitting the source code only (signal.c, thread.c, syscall.c).
• Please add all group member names and NetID and the iLab machine you tested your code as a
comment at the top of the code file.
• Your code must work on one of the iLab machines. Your code must use the attached C code as a base
and the functions. Feel free to change the function signature for Part 2 and Part 3 if required.
Q2: Using signum
Should we use and modify the address of signum (or a local pointer to signum)? Can we use other addresses
(ie. the main function stack pointer)?
1. Yes, we expect you to use signum (though we prefer using signum itself, using a local pointer to signum
in the handler does the same thing).
2. No, you cannot. You should use signum as your pointer to the stack, and subsequently, manipulate
the stack.
Q3: Using Other Packages
Can we use other packages such as asm.h to manipulate the registers?
No, we expect you to use the packages included in the file. The goal of the project is to understand
the stack, learn how registers are stored on the stack, and using GDB to inspect stack frames
(as well as getting used to using it in general). Although using asm is one way of doing this, the solution we
expect is not to through asm (or any other packages that we do not include), so a submission using this will
have points deducted.