Write the assembly language functions described below. You
will be provided a C++ main program that calls the functions
from assignment #8.
● Void function, gnomeSort(), to sort the numbers into
ascending order (small to large).
● Void function, basicStats(), to find the minimum,
median, maximum, sum, and average for a list of
numbers. This function must call the listMedian()
● Value returning integer function, listMedian(), to find
and return an integer median of a sorted list of numbers.
For an odd number of items, the median value is defined
as the middle value. For an even number of values, it is
the integer average of the two middle values. An integer
function returns the value in rax.
● Value returning, double function, corrCoefficient(), to
compute the correlation coefficient1
for the two data sets.
Note, a double function returns the value in xmm0.
In addition, write a function readB13Num() that will read an ASCII base-13 number from the user. The
routine should use the system service for reading data from the keyboard (into a buffer), convert the
ASCII base-13 input (from the buffer) into an integer, return the integer, and a status code. The number
must be between MIN and MAX (inclusive). If the value is correct and within range, the function
should return a status code (in eax) and, if successful, the numeric value (via pass-by-reference). The
function must return one of the following status codes:
• SUCCESS (0) → Successful conversion and number within required range.
• BADNUMBER (1) → Invalid input entered (i.e., not a valid base-13 number).
• INPUTOVERFLOW (2) → User entry character count exceeds maximum length.
• OUTOFRANGE (3) → Valid base-13 number entered, but out of required range.
• ENDOFINPUT (4) → Return entered, no characters (for end of the input).
All functions must use the stack for the storage of local variables. No static variables should be
declared. All data items are unsigned integers (MUL and DIV instructions). The functions must be in a
separate assembly file. The files will be compiled/assembled individually and linked together.
1 For more information, refer to:
• All source files must assemble and execute on Ubuntu with yasm.
• Submit source files
◦ Submit a copy of the program source file via the on-line submission.
◦ Note, only the functions file (ast9procs.asm) will be submitted.
• Once you submit, the system will score the project and provide feedback.
◦ If you do not get full score, you can (and should) correct and resubmit.
◦ You can re-submit an unlimited number of times before the due date/time.
• Late submissions will be accepted for a period of 24 hours after the due date/time for any given
lab. Late submissions will be subject to a ~2% reduction in points per an hour late. If you
submit 1 minute – 1 hour late -2%, 1-2 hours late -4%, … , 23-24 hours late -50%. This means
after 24 hours late submissions will receive an automatic 0.
Program Header Block
All source files must include your name, section number, assignment, NSHE number, and program
description. The required format is as follows:
; Name:
; Section:
; Description:
Failure to include your name in this format will result in a loss of up to 10%.
Scoring Rubric
Scoring will include functionality, code quality, and documentation. Below is a summary of the scoring
rubric for this assignment.
Criteria Weight Summary
Assemble – Failure to assemble will result in a score
of 0.
Program Header 5% Must include header block in the
required format (see above).
General Comments 10% Must include an appropriate level of
program documentation.
Program Functionality
(and on-time)
85% Program must meet the functional
requirements as outlined in the
assignment. Must be submitted on time
for full score.
Example Execution:
The following is an example execution demonstrating various error handling:
ed@ubuntu~/cs218/ast9$ ./main
CS 218 – Assignment #9
Enter X Value (base-13): 101
Enter Y Value (base-13): 1ca
Enter X Value (base-13): 1cccccccccccc
Error, number of out of range. Please re-enter.
Enter X Value (base-13): 1ccc
Enter Y Value (base-13): 5
Enter X Value (base-13): d
Error, invalid number. Please re-enter.
Enter X Value (base-13): 5B
Enter Y Value (base-13):
Error, user input exceeded length. Please re-enter.
Enter Y Value (base-13): b
Enter X Value (base-13): +4
Error, invalid number. Please re-enter.
Enter X Value (base-13): 4
Enter Y Value (base-13): C51
Enter X Value (base-13): 1@3
Error, invalid number. Please re-enter.
Enter X Value (base-13): 1A3
Enter Y Value (base-13): 1aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Error, number of out of range. Please re-enter.
Enter Y Value (base-13): 1aa
Enter X Value (base-13):
Program Results
Sorted X List:
4 76 170 302 4393
X Minimum = 4
X Median = 170
X Maximum = 4393
X Sum = 4945
X Average = 989
Sorted Y List:
5 11 309 335 2094
Y Minimum = 5
Y Median = 309
Y Maximum = 2094
Y Sum = 2754
Y Average = 550
Correlation Coefficient = 0.990301403774022