
CS 218 – Assignment #3 solved

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Write a MIPS assembly language program to calculate the diagonal
of each trapezoid1
in a series of trapezoids. Use the provided MIPS
main program and develop the following functions:
● Write a void MIPS function, calcDiagonals(), to calculate the
diagonal for each trapezoid in a series of trapezoids. The
formula for the diagonal is as follows:
diags[i] = √
a [i]×b [i ]
2 − a[ i]
2×b [i ] − a[ i]×c [ i]
+ b[ i]×d [ i]
b[ i] − a [ i]
Note, the routine is must call the gnomeSort() function for the diagonals array before returning.
● Write a MIPS assembly language function, gnomeSort(), to sort the volumes into ascending
order (small to large). To sort the numbers, use the following Gnome sort2
gnomeSort(a[0..size-1]) {
i := 1
j := 2
while (i < size) { if (a[i-1] >= a[i]) {
i := j
j := j + 1
} else {
swap a[i-1] and a[i]
i := i – 1
if (i = 0) i := 1
You must use the above gnome sort algorithm above (i.e., do not use a different sort). Note, the
algorithm assumes array index’s start at 0. As necessary, you can define additional variables.
Submissions not based on this algorithm will not be scored.
● Write a void MIPS function, diagonalsStats(), that will find the minimum, maximum, median,
and float average of the diagonals array.
● Write a value returning MIPS function, findSum(), to find the sum of an array.
1 For more information, refer to:
2 For more information, refer to:
● Write a value returning MIPS function, findAverage(), to find the floating point average of an
array. The function must call the findSum() function and perform the required type
● Write a value returning MIPS assembly language function, iSqrt(), to compute the integer
square root of an integer. To estimate the square root of a number, set the initial estimate,
iSqrtest to the number and use the following algorithm iterated 50 times.
iSqrt est =
iSqrt est )
+ iSqrt est
● Write a void MIPS function, displayStats(), to print the diagonals array (seven per line) and the
statistical information (minimum, maximum, median, and float average). Most of the code is
provided, except for the loop to display the diagonals array. Five (5) spaces should be printed
before each number and only seven numbers should be printed on each line in the format shown
in the example.
• All source files must assemble and execute with QtSpim/SPIM MIPS simulator.
• Submit source file
◦ Submit a copy of the program source file via the on-line submission
• Once you submit, the system will score the project and provide feedback.
◦ If you do not get full score, you can (and should) correct and resubmit.
◦ You can re-submit an unlimited number of times before the due date/time.
• Late submissions will be accepted for a period of 24 hours after the due date/time for any given
lab. Late submissions will be subject to a ~2% reduction in points per an hour late. If you
submit 1 minute – 1 hour late -2%, 1-2 hours late -4%, … , 23-24 hours late -50%. This means
after 24 hours late submissions will receive an automatic 0.
Program Header Block
All source files must include your name, section number, assignment, NSHE number, and program
description. The required format is as follows:
# Name:
# Section:

# Assignment:
# Description:
Failure to include your name in this format will result in a reduction of points.
Scoring Rubric
Scoring will include functionality, code quality, and documentation. Below is a summary of the
scoring rubric for this assignment.
Criteria Weight Summary
Assemble – Failure to assemble will result in a score
of 0.
Program Header 3% Must include header block in the
required format (see above).
General Comments 7% Must include an appropriate level of
program documentation.
Program Functionality
(and on-time)
90% Program must meet the functional
requirements as outlined in the
assignment. Must be submitted on time
for full score.
Example Output:
The program must display the results to the console window. The output should look something like
the following (with all of the correct answers displayed for all data sets):
MIPS Assignment #3
Trapezoid Diagonals Program
Trapezoid Data Set #1
Length: 15
Diagonals – Values:
150 154 154 155 156 158 159
159 160 161 162 162 162 163
Diagonals – Stats:
min = 150
max = 166
med = 159
float ave = 158.73333740
Trapezoid Data Set #2
Length: 75
. . . output truncated . . .