Getting Your Feet Wet with C
C and Systems Programming
1 Introduction
In this assignment, you will practice programming with the C language. Much of your code will
come in handy for a sport diver who keeps a log that includes the duration of each dive.
Your task is to write a program that reads in dive times in the form of hh:mm (hours and minutes
separated by a colon) and calculates the total dive time (i.e. the sum of all the log times), the
average dive time and selects the longest dive time. The calculated outputs are all output in the
form of hhh:mm or hh:mm (i.e. hours and minutes).
2 Implementation
Your implementation needs to be in a single C program called logtime.c.
Keep in mind that coding style will affect your grade. Your code should be well-organized, wellcommented, and designed in a modular fashion. In particular, you should design reusable functions
and structures, and minimize code duplication. You should always check for errors. For example,
your program should always check to see if the input is in the proper format.
Your code should compile correctly (no warnings and errors) with the -Wall and either the -g or
-O flags. For example
$ gcc -Wall -g -o logtime logtime.c
should compile your code to a debug-able executable named logtime without producing any warnings or error messages. (Note that -O and -o are different flags.)
Your code should also be efficient in both space and time. When there are tradeoffs to be made,
you need to explain what you chose to do and why.
You may write your code on any machine and operating system you desire,
but the code you turn in MUST (un)tar (see below), compile and execute on the
machine or a zero grade will be given. Be sure to compile and execute your code on the clamshell
machine before handing it in. This has been clearly stated here and NO EXCEPTIONS will be
3 What to turn in
You have to e-submit the assignment using Sakai. Your submission should be a tar file named
Your pa1.tar file must contain:
• readme.txt: this file should describe your design and implementation of the reschdule
program. In particular, it should detail your design, any design/implementation challenges
that you ran into, and an analysis (e.g., big-O analysis) of the space and time performance
of your program.
• All C source code including both implementation (.c) and header (.h) files.
• A test plan documented in testplan.txt and code to exercise the test casers in your code.
You can build your pa1.tar file in the following steps:
1. Put all the files you want to hand in in a subdirectory called pa1.
2. In the parent directory that contains pa1, invoke tar:
tar cvf pa1.tar pa1
The arguments to tar are cfv. The c tells tar to create a new archive file. The f tells tar that the
next command line argument is the name of the output file. The v just makes tar list the files it’s
putting into the archive.
We will compile and test your program on the clamshell machine so you should make sure that your
tar file can be extracted on clamshell, your program compiles on clamshell and your exceutable
program(s) run correctly on clamshell.
Your grade will be based on:
• Correctness (how well your code works).
• Quality of your design (did you use reasonable algorithms).
• Quality of your code (how well written your code is, including modularity and comments).
• Efficiency (of your implementation).
• Testing thoroughness (quality of your test cases).