
CAP 4630/5605 Project 3 solution

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For this project, you will design and build a knowledge-based intelligent system that collects
user preferences and reasons about them.

1 Requirements

1. The system should have an easy-to-use GUI (using the Python Tkinter module1
) for
collecting names of attributes and their values, hard constraints, and preferences. The
system should also allow for reading in these input from files. (See section 3 for formats
of these files.)
• Attributes (A) in this project are going to be binary.
• Hard constraints (H) are represented as propositional formulas in the Conjunctional Normal Form (CNF).
• The system should support preferences (T) in the preference languages we discussed in class: Penalty Logic and Possibilistic Logic. Formulas involved in the
preference theories are of CNF as well.

2. The system should support the following reasoning tasks:

• Existence of feasible objects: decide whether there are feasible objects w.r.t H,
that is, whether there are models of H that are truth assignments making H true.
• Exemplification: generate, if possible, two random feasible objects, and show the
preference between the two (strict preference, equivalence, or incomparable).
• Optimization: find an optimal object w.r.t T.
• Omni-optimization: find all optimal objects w.r.t T.
3. The system should take advantage of the clasp system, a SAT solver that takes a propositional formula in CNF and computes its models. It can be used to compute feasible
objects for H, check if a truth assignment satisfies a formula, etc. A short tutorial will
be posted shortly.
4. For testing, the system should solve an instance, developed by you, that contains at
least 6 hard constraints and at least 6 preference rules over at least 8 attributes. Also
use this instance when demonstrating your system.
1See and
tkinter_labels.php for helpful references.

CAP 4630/5605  2
5. By Mar. 16, you will need to meet me to discuss the progress. You will make individual
appointments with me by email. Failure of this will result in deduction in the project

2 Deliverables

Zip the following to name [your-last-name] and submit to Canvas.
1. A text file with description of the instance (attributes and their values, hard constraints,
and preferences) you used for testing.
2. A directory that contains all your source codes.
3. A README file that contains instructions to build and run your system.
4. A PDF report that describes how your system works and shows the testing results using
the test instance (e.g., screen shots of various steps).

3 File Formats
3.1 Attributes File

appetizer: soup, salad
entree: beef, fish
drink: beer, wine
dissert: cake, ice-cream

3.2 Hard Constraints File

NOT soup OR NOT beer
NOT soup OR NOT wine

3.3 Preferences File (Penalty Logic)

fish AND wine, 10
wine OR cake, 6