We dive deeper into the functional requirements of our system and formulate user stories and
use cases. We analyze functional dependencies by creating a goal hierarchy. Remember to make
your requirements SMART.
1) Formulate 3 high-level user stories at the white level with at least one acceptance
criterion that you describe in detail.
2) Check each story based on the INVEST acronym and summarize your considerations in a
few words.
3) How do you ensure that the acceptance criterion is measurable?
4) Select one of the user stories and write a corresponding use case using the template in
slide deck A5.
5) Disassemble the use case and create one goal hierarchy for this use case, which shows
how to refine it into its lower level goals. Assign a color level to each goal as proposed by
Cockburn. Make sure you use all color levels to refine your goal hierarchy from white
down to indigo or even black (technical details at the “shell” level). If you find that that
this is not possible, revise your user story and use case:
o Was it high- level enough?
o Did your use case description show enough detail?
Instructions can be found in slide deck A1-BasicConcepts and on the course website.