CSE 2050 HW07: Knight’s Move solved




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1. Introduction
In this assignment, we use graph traversal to solve an interesting chess problem. Specifically,
we will use implement dfs and use it to solve the problem.
2. Objectives
The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience in:
• Understanding the dfs graph traversal
• How to use dfs to solve some real world problems.
• Understanding when to use dfs instead of bfs.
Note: Before you start, if you are not familiar with graph and graph traversal algorithms, it is
recommended you review the corresponding class notes.
3. Background
3.1. Knight’s Move
This problem is from book “The Moscow puzzles”. The author of this book is Boris A. Kordemsky,
and this book is edited by Martin Gardner. This problem appears in the chapter II Difficult
The following page displays the cover of the book, and the illustration and description of this
problem from the book.

We will solve this problem using graph traversal. We consider the knight’s position on the chessboard as
a vertex in a graph. At the beginning, the knight can capture one of the 16 pawns. Therefore, we can
start from any of the 16 starting points. At the end, all the pawns will be gone. Hence, the end point is at
one of the 16 vertices.
The key to solving this problem is to construct a graph that has 16 vertices, and define edges according
to the rule of how knights move in chess.
Once we have the graph, we can traverse the graph and the goal is to traverse every single vertex
without repeating.
There are multiple solutions to this problem. We will try to find a solution using DFS. Since it is not
guaranteed that we can find a solution with one DFS traversal, we will do DFS multiple times. To make
sure we traversal different paths when we do multiple DFS traversals, we change the original DFS
algorithm a little bit to make it behave randomly. That is, when we push all the neighbors of a vertex on
to the stack that is used for DFS, we randomly shuffle the order of the neighbors before we push them
onto the stack. This ensures that for each DFS, the path traversed is random.
4. Assignment
In the skeleton zip file, you will find a skeleton for your .py file named chess.py. All you need to
do is to complete the skeleton code based on the instructions and submit it to the Mimir
There are two places you need to fill in code.
4.1. Method randomdfs
We first copy code from dfs method and make necessary changes. The goal is to make sure that
when we add neighbors to a stack, we add them in a random order. This way, every time we do
this random dfs, the result is random.
4.2. Inverse DFS tree and display result
The randomdfs(v) method will return a depth-first search tree. This tree is implemented as a
dictionary. For each key (vertex), the value is its parent vertex. Now we need to check whether
this tree is actually linear. If this tree is linear (a straight line) then we have a solution. If this is
true, we need to make a new dictionary that is the inverse of this dictionary tree. That is, the
key and value is switched for each item. Using this inversed dictionary, we print out all the
moves the knight takes, and return this inversed dictionary as the return value of the
knightsmove function.
Below is a screenshot of my results.
5. Submit your work to Mimir
Submit your code to Mimir after you complete your code. Mimir will automatically check the
output of your code and grade your submission. You can submit your code to Mimir up to 30
times to refresh your existing score before the submission deadline.
6. Due date
This lab assignment is worth 4 points in the final grade. It will be due by 11:59pm on December
8th, 2017. A penalty of 10% per day will be deducted from your grade, starting at 12:00am.
7. Getting help
Start your project early, because you will probably not be able to get timely help in the last few
hours before the assignment is due.
• Go to the office hours of instructors and TAs.
o Prof. Wei Wei: Mon. 2:30 – 3:15pm, Wed. 2:30 – 3:15pm, Thurs. 2:30 – 3:15pm,
Fri. 2:30 – 3:15pm @ITE258
o Jenny Blessing: Fri. 12pm – 2pm @ITE140
o Param Bidja: Tues. 2pm – 3pm @ITE140
o Yamuna Rajan: Tues. 11am – 12pm, Wed. 9:30am – 10:30am @ITE140
o Zigeng Wang: Mon. 3pm – 4pm @ITE140
• Post your questions on Piazza. TAs and many of your classmates may answer your
• Search the answer of your unknown questions on the Internet. Many questions asked by
you might have been asked and answered many times online already.